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Sainsbury's steak slices x2 300g

Sokolow salami slices 100g

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Sanctuary spa salt scrub 650g

Tiburtina Sambuca 38%

Schwartz White Wine & Tarragon Sauce

3 for £10.00
Whitby Seafoods Scampi 300g

Buy 2 for £3.50
Schwartz Sesame Seed

Buy 2 for £3.50
Schwartz Steak Seasoning

Schweppes tonic water 12x150ml

Buy 2 for £8
Schweppes Slimline Tonic Water

Buy 2 for £8
Schweppes Tonic Water

Schweppes slimline tonic water 12x150ml

Swizzels Scrumptious Sweets



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Tanqueray Sevilla 0%

Tanqueray Sevilla 0%

Tanqueray Sevilla 0%

Tanqueray Sevilla 0%

4 for 3
Yellow Tail Shiraz 187ml

Buy 3 for £6
Yellow Tail Shiraz


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Volvic Touch of Strawberry Sparkling 330ml

2 for £5.00
Twix Spread 350g

2 for £3
Sprite zero
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